Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My Hero & "Heroes"
Almost immediately Bob e-mailed me a photograph. It was the exact scene from the exact movie I had been talking about. He told me it was called Heroes, directed by Robert Walters, was produced by the Nova company in 1984, and, in addition to Kramer, also starred Rick Donovan, Jim Bentley, Lee Thompson, Cole Taylor, Cliff Ryder, Brandon Wilde, Rydar Hanson, Tony Wilde, Rob Daniels, Steve Kolis, Matt Sullivan, and Danny Connors. The cast is a who’s who of the superstars from the classic days of Nova films.
Later in the week a package arrived in the mail. Bob had sent me a DVD of Heroes (I told you he is just about the nicest guy in the entire world.) I couldn’t wait to sit down, unzip my pants, and watch it again after all those years.
I recently wrote about the DVD’s ‘preview" section which featured an ad for a straight porn-site. That is odd. But the feature presentation is nothing less than spectacular.
The premise of Heroes is fairly simple. An attractive young high school teacher assigns a writing project to his English class. "My Hero" is the subject for the essay: Who is the person each student most looks up to? Of course, his all-male class is less interested in the homework assignment than they are in each other’s cocks. One boy has pulled his dick out to show his chum at the next desk when the teacher catches him in the act, then makes him stand up to show the entire class.
The boys head home after school and one of them strips to his tidy-whities, puts on a record (remember those?) of his favorite rock star, then starts composing his essay. As we hear the song on the record player (remember those?) we see, in fantasy flashback, the star performing the song onstage. Rick Donovan plays the rock star and, I believe, actually sings the song on the sound track. Allowing this in the final cut of the movie is a major artistic mistake. Donovan is dressed in tight white trousers, red suspenders with no shirt, and a fire-engine red sweatband to hold back his hair (remember those?)
Needless to say, the young student is transported into the fantasy and enjoys hard-core, athletic sex with His Hero the rock star. As is often the case with Rick Donovan's sex scenes, keeping his titanic cock hard becomes a slight issue, but the scene is still very, very erotic. And no matter how often you see it, Donovan’s massive member always makes your mouth drop open … in both surprise and lust.
Rick Donovan
Next up is a nasty incest sequence. A young boy’s Hero is his brother away serving in the Navy. As he sits at his desk in the school library writing, he imagines his sibling in dress whites, slowly opening his pants and showing his bro his long, thick cock. Soon the sucking starts, naturally followed by the sailor butt-fucking his younger brother and cumming on his face. As the young guy writes his composition he strokes his hardening dick. Another boy is watching from across the library, but soon drops to all fours and crawls over to the oblivious young author. The second boy plunges his mouth over his friend’s cock and delivers one of adult cinema’s finest blowjobs. The two scenes, brother and brother, and brother and friend, intercut back and forth. A hot, sexy, ball-boiling sequence.
Then we get to the locker room scene I remembered so vividly from years ago. A staggeringly young Jim Bentley accompanies a friend to the locker room of his favorite baseball player, portrayed by the legendary Tim Kramer. I'm sure you can figure out exactly what happens. Nipple play, rimming, cock-sucking, butt-fucking, large loads of spurting cum, everything you’d expect to see in a high energy three-way. I could describe in detail what happens here, what I find so hot and nasty about this scene, but I wouldn’t do it justice. Trust me, this is an amazing sequence, and if this is the only part of the movie you watch, I promise it’ll get you off. Probably more than once. Maybe more than twice.

The Locker Room Scene from "Heroes"
Tim Kramer remains one of the hottest stars from gay porn’s Golden Age. He was a big blonde stud with a huge cock who seemed to be willing to do almost anything in front of a camera. I have yet to be disappointed by any performance Kramer has delivered in any film.
Tim Kramer
But there's still more to come. The film’s final sequence may be its hottest. The teacher receives the compositions written by his students but is pleasently surprised by the themes his cock-hungry, boy-slut students have written. After he dismisses the class, he retains one boy who hasn’t turned anything in. It seems out the boy is embarrassed because His Hero is the teacher. Profoundly touched, the educator makes the boy suck his stiff rod (I don’t understand it either, I’m just telling you what happens.) As the two humping sex-pigs get into some passionate lovemaking, another boy returns unseen to the classroom. He clandestinely pulls out his cock, jacking-off to the spectacle before him. Yet another student shows up, and is forcibly masturbated by the initial jacker. Eventually, they join the teacher and first boy for a hot, churning four-way. After the messy, wet finish the quartette are surprised to discover yet another student has been watching their antics. The new guy moans loudly, shooting his wad of salty jizz onto the classroom floor.
This is the type of film that defines what a classic porn flick is. Hot sex, nasty men with mind-bogglingly large dicks, and subject matter that is right on the edge of social decency. If you see Heroes on a video store shelf or you have the opportunity to rent or buy it from a porn website, grab it. You won’t be sorry.
Now I wonder what else Bob has lying around that he may no longer want …