Saturday, December 03, 2005
Chi Chi Chic

Yes, Chi Chi is a drag queen, and probably one of the most visible and recognizable working today in any industry. When she started directing porn, she worked under the monikor Taylor Hudson (Liz and Rock's last names combined.) Of course in those days, no studio wanted to be identified as the company who was producing films made by a drag queen. Somewhere along the way, fortunately, that changed. In fact, it probably changed because of Chi Chi. When videos are this good, and sell this well (because they're so good), any company would be thrilled to distribute them, no matter who was behind the product. And these days, having Chi Chi direct one of your films is considered quite a coupe. The studios now fall over each other to have her under contract.
Recently she has branched out somewhat, making personal appearances, hosting an amazingly hot porn website, as well as writing her autobiography, Making It Big, Sex Stars, Porn Films & Me. I read this book some years ago and loved it. It's packed with the kind of on-the-set gossip you really crave, as well as the details of what it's like to be on the shoot of a porn video. Just terrific, funny and informative.
But, no matter how successful she becomes in these other areas, it's the movies that will put her into the history books (that is, if porn had history books.) Some of her finest flicks include My Sister's Husband, Ass Lick Alley, the recent Kollide, and the unbelievably hot How The West Was Hung the come-back film of the unbeatably beatable Axel Garret (I've added a montage of pictures from that movie below.
I wish there were more directors with Chi Chi's passion and dedication. She is a pornographer who pushes the envelope, turning jack-off movies into an art form, films you want to watch to be entertained as well as aroused. Let's hope she keeps working for many years to come.