Saturday, January 21, 2006
Heath Starkers Part II
A few days ago I posted a naked picture purported to be Heath Ledger running naked through a field during the filming of Brokeback Mountain in Canada. Since then I've found another in the series. I wonder if there are many more? If I find them, I promise I'll post them.
This photo makes Heath look a lot hunkier than the first, but he's still kind of disappointing in the sexy department. Some movie stars just look better with their clothes on, as opposed to a majority of porn stars. They almost always look hotter naked. But I still like getting to see major stars in the buff. So, here is The Bare Ledge Part Two. Let me know what you think.

This photo makes Heath look a lot hunkier than the first, but he's still kind of disappointing in the sexy department. Some movie stars just look better with their clothes on, as opposed to a majority of porn stars. They almost always look hotter naked. But I still like getting to see major stars in the buff. So, here is The Bare Ledge Part Two. Let me know what you think.