Saturday, January 28, 2006
Last Night's Work Out
It was fun to see two Euro-porn flicks back to back. I won’t go into plot details, but they’re both cop thrillers loaded with scene after scene of nasty sex. Both of these films feature the hottest Euro-Studs, muscular sex-machines boasting huge cocks and massive loads of cum. There’s also lots of group sex, some amazing blow-jobs, and guys that aren’t afraid to be near each other or even occasionally touch. Very erotic.
Sweet Lady has one scene in particular that got me stroking harder than any other. In a smoky cabaret two women are dancing on the stage. A blonde enters the bar and starts blowing a guy at the front table. Four other guys head up to the stage and start banging the two dancers. Meanwhile a woman and two guys are fucking on the bar. So, putting it all together, we get to witness a public orgy with four women and seven guys. Fantastic! And at the end of the scene, the screen is flooded with cum, as are all the woman’s faces.
I love movies from Private, and I’m always happy to beat-off to them. And who knows, maybe tonight I’ll return for a repeat performance.
Monday, January 23, 2006
My First Porno
I grew up in a smallish town near Seattle, and the day I turned eighteen the local family movie theatre was coincidentally showing the "adult version" of Alice in Wonderland. If you've figured out anything about me from this blog, you can easily guess how I spent the evening of my eighteenth birthday. Now you may never have seen the cinematic masterpiece that is Alice in Wonderland. It was made by porn pioneer Bill Osco, who also created the soft-core hit Flesh Gordon. Alice tells the Lewis Carroll story almost exactly, but with a lot of nudity and several sex scenes. Two versions of this film were apparently released. I rented it on videotape a couple years ago, and although it was clearly the same movie, the version I rented was much more explicit than I remember seeing all those years ago. What's shocking, of course, is the soft version (or any version) was actually playing main stream neighborhood theatres, like the one I attended. Osco knew what he was doing however. Amazingly enough, Flesh Gordon and Alice in Wonderland grossed a combined $165 million worldwide.
Alice in Wonderland (1976)
I remember sitting at the back of the theatre where in the past I had gone to see Disney films, The Planet of the Apes, The Poseidon Adventure ... all the films I grew up with. There were very few other patrons in attendance, and I sat in a row by myself. Two rows behind me were two young couples, who had arrived together, and they were having a great time. I was smitten enough with sex, and thrilled enough to be seeing it on the big screen (no matter how tame it was) that whacking to it was a natural response. I just wasn't very subtle about it, unfortunately. I had my coat on the seat next to me, and whenever screen sex seemed eminent, I looked around to see who was looking, acted as if I was very cold, and put the coat over my lap. As the movie progressed I did this seven or eight times, and the four people behind me became increasingly amused. At one point they actually laughed as the coat went back on my lap. Ah well, live and learn.
While this taught me to be discrete jerking-off in public, it also taught me I had the desire to see more adult movies, but I wanted those films to be hard-core from then on. At my first opportunity I made a trip to Seattle by myself. Sure I was eighteen, but I was still living at home and had to come up with an excuse to give my mother for the trip. I don't remember what I told her, it may have been I wanted to see a matinee of the new Monty Python film, or maybe it was that I just wanted to hang out in downtown Seattle for an afternoon. It doesn't matter, I told her some lie, and off I went.
I had already checked out the porn theatre ads in the Seattle Times and decided on the movie that was going to burst my hard-core cherry. Sadly, I've tried to recall but I just don't remember the title or any of the actors. It was called something like The Joy of Making Love, or at least something like that. I've done Google searches for years trying to locate a copy of it, but I've never had any luck.
However finding the theatre that day was easy; the Midtown Theatre was somewhere in the Fourth and Pike area (the Midtown as long since closed and been torn down.) Once I found it I didn't immediately go in. I had to make several passes back and forth before I worked up my courage. When I finally did go up to the box-office the ancient woman selling tickets almost wouldn't let me in. I looked younger than I was, and I didn't have a driver's license or ID. Finally she accepted my voter registration card as proof of age. In the seventies that's all you needed, I guess.
Outside was a sunny afternoon, but inside the theatre was pitch dark. Of course, it had once been a glorious movie palace, but those days were long over. It was very dark, very dirty, and more than a little scary. I saw many porn films at the Midtown in the subsequent years, but it always seemed kinda spooky. I passed through the lobby and then through the ratty, once red curtains into the auditorium. I couldn't see a thing except the screen. The movie was already running and was in the middle of a lengthy dialogue scene. I groped my way to an empty seat. There weren't very many people in the audience that afternoon, and they were spread out almost evenly among the many rows.
I watched the movie carefully; it was, after all, my first hard-core porn film. Following the talky dialogue sequence there was a scene with a guy who had been kidnapped by two women. The ladies tied him to a chair and had their way with him. I remember thinking, "Wow, there's a hard cock on the screen, and it's fucking someone's pussy. Cool!" The next thing that passed through my head was, "I bet they don't show any cum, that's probably too much." As you can guess, my next thought was, "Oh, fuck, there's the jizz! That's really cool!"
The only other scenes I remember is a woman hiding in a closet watching a couple fuck, and a scene with a man shackled to a wall while his wife and another woman do it on the bed, using a dildo with a little spinning fan on the end. The guy is so turned on that he blows his wad even though his hands are tied above his head. After he shoots, his wife walks over to him and looks on the floor. There is a mat with measurements printed on it. He has squirted his load over two feet away from his cock, and his wife is very impressed. That's really all I remember about the movie, except I thought it was stunningly hot and knew I wanted to see much, much more.
I had learned my lesson at Alice in Wonderland and so I jacked-off very clandestinely that day. It took a few more trips to the Midtown to discover that that really wasn't necessary at all.
I was hooked.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Heath Starkers Part II
This photo makes Heath look a lot hunkier than the first, but he's still kind of disappointing in the sexy department. Some movie stars just look better with their clothes on, as opposed to a majority of porn stars. They almost always look hotter naked. But I still like getting to see major stars in the buff. So, here is The Bare Ledge Part Two. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Random Snatches
Of course I’m not getting any sex. And so I’ve turned to my ever faithful porn collection nearly every night this week. I haven’t watched any one tape all the way through, so I’m not going to give you a full review of the videos I’ve been stroking to. I’ll watch them all again sometime, and when I’ve gotten through them in their entirety I’ll write about each one.
Some have been gay, some straight, some new, some classic. The only commonality they share is each and every one of them is a video that can usually get me off very quickly. I’ve watched snatches (meaning small bits, of course) of Inside Jennifer Welles from 1977, Goya starring the stunning Toni Ribas, 1001 Erotic Nights Part II The Forbidden Tales (Fabulous), Cadets featuring Chris Williams, and an early John Summers directed jack-off video called My Own Private Kentucky Studs. It’s been a week with a lot of whacking, and the muscles in the right side of my neck are getting sore and tired. Really.
We’re headed into the weekend now, so I’ll try and focus on watching a single video all the way through. But I have to admit I’ve had a good time sampling some of my old stand-by favorites.
Now I just have to find someone to have sex with for real. I wouldn’t mind sampling some of that as well. I just hope they like porn.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Speeding Down "Pacific Coast Highway"
Last night I rubbed one off to the William Higgins directed 1981 gay classic Pacific Coast Highway. This film is a cherished, even venerated high point in the history of gay porn. When mentioned in books, magazines and on-line, it is reverently placed on par with milestone flicks like Kansas City Trucking Company, Gold Rush Boys, Lance and Leo and Class of ’84.
With respect, I have to disagree. I was kind of bored by the film, until the final stunningly sexy scene. Sure it’s hot to see young, muscular twinks bare-backing, and shooting large gobs of cock snot. And, in fairness, the cinematography is the highest quality. Details are very clear here, every hair in sharp focus (and there’s a lot of hair, the film being made in the early eighties and all. And we all know how much I like hair!) The cum shots are shown three times, from three different angles, once at normal speed, and twice in slow motion, graphically displaying every spurt and splash. Bizarrely, one of the cum shots is shown backwards first, the sperm flying up and inserting itself into a hard, straining cock.
The film suffers from several problems however. The primary problem is the scenes become visually repetitive, and the actors tend to look a lot alike, making it difficult to figure out who is doing what to whom.
The first two sex sequences, although featuring different actors, look exactly alike, both taking place beside the same waterfall. First off are Buddy Preston and Dan Rockford. They’re fairly hot, but, like all but the last scene, I fast-forwarded through a lot of it. The remote was in my hand again for the second scene. By the same waterfall Kip Noll sucks and fucks Jeremy Scott.
Kip Noll is hot in this film, but again there are so many cute blonde boys in the movie Kip doesn’t have much of a chance to stand out. Sure he has a gorgeous cock and obviously knows what he’s doing in the sack (or in this case, on the moss), but at no point during Pacific Coast Highway do you say to yourself, "Wow! There’s a star! That’s the guy to watch!"

Kip Noll Then
In the next sequence Kip and Jeremy Scott are back for a three-way with Steve Richards in a jeep. Here the problem is that the positions they contort themselves into just look stunningly uncomfortable. There were sore muscles and odd crease marks in their skin the day after this scene was filmed. However, your cock will get stiff when the jizz starts flying, they each shoot a massive load on the windshield of the jeep. By the completion of the segment, cum has covered the glass, dripping down in obscene rivulets. In a surprisingly hot moment, cleaning fluid and the window wipers are employed to make the windshield usable again.
Then J.W. King and Troy Richards do it by a stream. Oddly enough, this is completely forgettable, although the loads of cum are huge, and Troy’s hairy ass is prominently displayed and mercilessly fingered and fucked. Next up Steve Richards, Scott Anderson and Jeff Hunter enjoy a menage on the beach. Here the actors look like they’re having a good time at least, and fuck and suck with gusto.
The final scene, however, is the best of the movie, and makes wading through the first segments well worth the slog. Troy Richards and Steve Savage are brothers, camping in a tent on the beach. After drinking a lot of beer, Troy complains he has a crick in his neck, and his brother agrees to give him a rub down. The orange track shorts come off and again Troy’s hairy ass is delivered to the viewer in amazingly detailed close-ups. The sex the brothers engage in is hot, sweaty, nasty and messy. It’s terrific, one of the best sex scenes I’ve ever had the joy to see, and it’s a scene I’ll be revisiting a lot in the future.
Watching the film it becomes apparent why William Higgins is considered on of the greatest porn directors in the history of Adult Cinema. He began his career in the late seventies, and, somewhat surprisingly, is still working today. He currently hosts his own website, as well as continuing to make videos, working with very hot Eastern European boys and getting them to do some of the hottest and most twisted things ever. I love his current DVDs, as well as much of his older porn. I just have trouble with this particular film.
William Higgins Today
Pacific Coast Highway is proof a film’s classic status lies in the eyes of the beholder. Certainly a lot of guys love this flick, and I won’t attempt to take that away from them. I’m sure there are many films I think of as essential porn that others couldn’t get a hard-on to if they tried. That’s art, that’s subjective thought. But even if ninety minutes of this film kept me fast-forwarding, the final scene in the tent on the beach will keep me coming back. And keep me cumming.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
An Evening at the Theatre
John told me about "the Tom Katt on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood, California, across the street from the Pleasure Chest."
Ken wrote in to say, "In my hometown of Toledo, Ohio there is the Westwood Art Theatre, a full size movie house with a seating capacity of 240, standard fold down movie seating, and a 75 foot screen. They use to show 35mm film and had tons of projector difficulties. Now they have a DVD video projection screen with excellent quality. They run two features continuously every day. I was there last night. They show all sorts of films, and have one weekend a month set aside as Classic Sunday where they present golden age films re-released on DVD."
Thanks for the emails, John and Ken! Both these places sound like a lot of fun. The Tom Katt, of course, is the new name of the famous Pussycat Theatre, the venue Deep Throat played for a couple of years back in the seventies. Has anyone been to, or gotten any action at either the Tom Katt or the Westwood Art Theatre? Does anyone know of any other porn theatres in the USA they'd like to tell us about? I'd love to hear from you!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Deep Inside "Inside Deep Throat"
Written and directed by the film-making team Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, and narrated by Dennis Hopper, Inside Deep Throat is a fascinating exploration of a cultural phenomenon that took both the upper and middle classes by storm, delivering to the 1970s an outrageously radical new trend, "Porno Chic." The documentary also exposes the bigotry and hypocrisy of the Government and the Religious Right in their attempts to censor and repress the film.
Like the book The Other Hollywood I reported on back in November, Inside Deep Throat spends almost half its running time detailing the legal struggles endured by the film, its director and even its stars following its release and spectacular success. Unlike my complaints about The Other Hollywood, here we expect judicial maneuverings to be an intregal part of the narrative. After all, because of the conviction of star Harry Reems (the only artist in the history of the US prosecuted for their work), and the ultimate over-turning of that conviction, current obscenity laws are enforced as they are.
It was illegal to make porn in 1972, but hundreds of adult films were still produced. The artists who worked on Deep Throat (and other porn movies) didn’t do it for the money, or even the sexual thrill, but because they wanted to create social change, to wake audiences up to other moral principles, other attitudes toward sex. The anti-establishment movement was powerful, and sex films broke taboos in a manner no published material could. Deep Throat’s director Gerald Damiano, and stars Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems wanted to provoke the audience into thinking about sex (not to mention preconceived moral and ethical assumptions) in a critical way most run-of-the-mill Americans never had before. Needless to say, they succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.
It became a mainstream, Main Street hit, selling out theatres in nearly every town in America. Because it was so successful and made so much money, the FBI decided to make a moral example of it. Although the movie was banned in 23 states, it was the hot topic of conversation on television, at cocktail parties and around the water cooler. Subsequently, its success made porn acceptable and accessable to the average middle-class person.
Damiano is interviewed at length (cheerfully admitting the movie isn't very good), as is Reems, several distributors, a production assistant who worked on the filming, prosecutors, and the principle defense lawyers. A number of 1970s porn stars like Annie Sprinkle, Andrea True and, of course (in archival footage) the late Linda Lovelace also make appearances. But the most interesting commentary comes from the cultural leaders of the time, folks like Dick Cavett, Helen Gurley Brown, Carl Bernstein, Gore Vidal, Hugh Hefner, and Xaviera Hollander. Opinions are also offered by John Waters, Camille Paglia, Bill Maher, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and Wes Craven (who admits he worked on porn films early in his career. He clams up, however, when asked which ones.)
All those interviewed for the documentary agree that Porn once looked like an exciting new art form, but tragically became a cheaply made, sloppily thrown-together commodity. I don’t completely agree, it’s not quite that bad today, but they have a point. Inexpensive video production turned what could have been a Brave New World of Art combining acting with fucking into the manufacture of thousands of videos that require little thought or pre-production from the maker, and the fast forward button close by for the consumer.
Inside Deep Throat is a fascinating and entertaining documentary about the creation of a cultural icon. The version that hit theatres was rated NC-17, but the DVD contains more nudity, and even briefly – Yes! -- Linda going down on Harry’s cock (and after all these years, it’s still fuckin’ impressive, let me tell you.) If this film didn’t come to your neighborhood cinema during its initial release, head out to Hastings and rent it – as I did last night. You’ll spend an hour and a half in front of the television without jacking-off, and you’ll still have a great time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Heath Starkers
I still haven't made it to see Brokeback Mountain yet. But when I do, I'll be here to tell you all about it. Too bad this scene isn't in the film. But just wait, who knows what may lurk in the Director's Cut!

Sunday, January 08, 2006
A Randy Barnes Fan
Hi Axel,
I saw your post about Hair Trigger. Based on what I saw on the site, I thought I'd take a chance and ask if you know anything about Randy Barnes? I can't find anything out -- he has been in a soft porn film, 2 Magazine, Playgirl and Men Magazine, but that's about it. Please let me know if you know anything more. Unlike other porn stars, he's pretty low key.
All the best, and Happy New Year.
Thanks J, and I totally agree with you the guy is extremely hot. I've seen several photo layouts that featured Randy, and he has always grabbed my attention, and I've always grabbed my cock. I literally don't know anything about the guy, unfortunately, and only found out the title of the soft core flick he performs in (By the Pool) by writing back and asking J.
So, since I have absolutely nothing constructive to contribute to his history, here is a picture of the stunning Mr. Barnes from the terrific website Hair Trigger, as well as the link J sent me. Enjoy!
And thanks for writing J!

Saturday, January 07, 2006
"I Do." I Did. Twice!
The real star of the picture is hedonistic blonde twink Jeff Carson as the brother of the Bride. He manipulates the guys in the movie into having sex, both with him and with each other. Joe Marconi is a barber who blows the Groom; A tailor, played by the great Steve Collins, sucks off the Best Man, devouring his huge load of cum; Two chauffeurs from competing limousine services do each other in the back of one of the cars. These are all terrificlly hot erotic sequences.
But Carson saves the best sex for himself. He "assists" the wedding photographer in a double suck-off of a model (billed as Rick Faulkner, although his face is never seen) being photographed in various jock-straps and cock-rings; he gets fucked by the caterer, a nasty scene with legendary huge-cocked Tim Kramer using Crisco as lube; and in the final (and best) scene is cornered and sandwiched by the Groom and Best Man as revenge once they've figured out what's going on. Very, very hot! Very, very wackable!
I love these older movies. The situations are more realistic (many of the scenes contain only blowjobs, with fucking saved for just the right moment), the guys are often hotter, and sex scenes unfold at a more leisurely pace, without ever becoming tedious. I Do is definitely one of the best of these classic eighties films. From this Porn Watcher, it is very highly recommended!

Sunday, January 01, 2006
Str8 Guy Fantasies For Real
My shouting friend has lately become fascinated with porn queen Jenna Jameson. Before you ask, no, my friend is not a lesbian, but she does have a healthy interest in porn. She recently read Ms Jameson's autobiography, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star, and was so taken with it, she started watching porn flicks starring the great Jenna. And, before you raise your hand again to ask, yes, she enjoyed them very much.
But the thing I was dwelling on, soaped up in the shower but really wanting to go back to bed this morning, was that, according to my friend, Jenna is now in a committed relationship with (or possibly even married to) a very nice guy. Good for her, I say, and if she were to retire from porn because of this relationship, I certainly would understand. Or, possibly she would want to keep on working with her husband's blessings. That's fine too. But apparently she's made a professional decision that I find a little bizarre.
The Queen of All Straight Porn is still making sex movies, but now that she's got that special guy waiting at home, she only appears in videos with women: She no longer performs sex acts with men. This seems more than slightly hypocritical to me. I believe sex is sex. If you're in a committed relationship, and choose only to have sex with each other, great! If, on the other hand, you have an open relationship and elect to fuck everyone you come in contact with, that's great too (and you should call me)! But if you marry someone who is a major porn superstar, you have to have a pretty clear view of what they do for a living before you go into the relationship. It isn't a big secret, after all. If, somehow you're confused about what they do for a vocation, rent a movie for God's sake, and find out before getting down on bended knee. To propose, I mean, not to ... well, you know what I mean.
So, I think for her to agree only to have sex with women can only be construed as playing into her new husband's "straight guy fantasies." I suppose Jenna having sex with men would make him jealous, but with another woman ... well ... Dude, that's just hot. Come on buddy, grow up! Does it honestly make any difference?
And what if the husband wanted to have sex with someone other than Jenna? Would he only be allowed to do it with another guy? That seems fair to me.
I know I love seeing straight boys having sex with other guys! I hope Mr. Jameson goes for it. I think it would be a huge turn on for Jenna!